Bill Gates Learned at an Early Age This Lesson That Takes Most People a Lifetime to Learn.

You can say what you want about Bill Gates, but it would be hard to argue that he hasn't been successful. He's one of the wealthiest people on earth, having co-founded one of the world's most valuable companies. He now spends his time giving away all of that money to causes like eradicating polio. His is not a bad resume. 

A lot of that accomplishment comes from a simple lesson Gates learned early on in his life. I think it's worth looking at, especially since it's something many people take a lifetime to learn, if they ever do at all.

Success isn't binary.

Most of us assume that it is, which means everything that isn't success must be failure. But the opposite of success isn't failure. Or, it doesn't have to be. And, that's a distinction that can make all the difference. Unfortunately, it's one that many people never learn to make.

Read full article here.

Jim Heid