Where Do Ideas Come From?
Where ideas come from is a pretty subjective question that can be answered in many ways but one thing is for certain: Most Bay Area creative folks feel that their ideas and work are a product of their environment. According to Capital One’s Workplace Environment Survey, 82% of San Franciscans said they have the most innovative ideas when working in flex environments.
Flex working spaces are on the rise in the Bay Area.
Open clean design, natural light, artwork and creative imagery are all necessary factors in creating spaces that incubate ideas and promote innovation but the most important is the platform for collaboration and community. Engineering inspiration labs is a blend of science and social art-form.
Think of your environment and your mind as a constant feedback loop through emotions and thoughts. Being in a space that is open, clean and fresh feeling leaves us feeling open, organized and focused internally but most importantly engaging with other people gives our minds access to new pathways of information that we simply can't replicate by ourselves. We're social creatures and typically thrive in community.
CraftWork is looking forward to cultivating the right space to incubate and hatch more Eureka moments and innovation in Healdsburg, while supporting local businesses, entrepreneurs and even sort-of-retirees that just ready to ‘hang it up’.
If you'd like to stay in the loop about our progress, sign up to receive our somewhat, sort of, regular e-updates. And look for an exciting announcement very soon (like officially announcing our location and some very interesting partnerships!)
P.S. Check it out! This TedTalk by Steven Johnson goes much deeper into the science of innovation and where ideas come from. Really fascinating!