David Hargeaves


David Hargeaves moved from London to California in 2008 and lived in Mill Valley for 10 years before moving up to Healdsburg. David has always enjoyed the outdoors even growing up in the rainy UK. He’s traveled extensively in Asia and Africa and more recently his passion for photography has taken him to the colder climates of Alaska, Norway, Greenland and into the Northern Arctic.

David has trained as a Climate Change Reality Leader as part of the Climate Change Reality Core. This is organization was founded by Al Gore"to mobilize people to find a global solution to climate change by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society."  

Prior to his current business as a top real estate agent in Healdsburg, David ran a successful marketing agency in the UK working for brands like Virgin, Facebook and Apple before moving to the US to set up and run the US offices.


“Chef Krisztian of Tisza can be found delighting his customers with artistic presentation and global inspiration, deftly blending old world European charm with new world flair and sensibility.”

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CAST Wines offers a variety of hand-crafted wines, honoring the infinite potential of varietals, terroir, and winemaking creativity. Explorations in traditional, and novel wines promotes connections between the classic and emerging wine enthusiasts, enjoying something deliciously familiar, and surprisingly innovative. We believe in: Connections, Creativity, Stewardship.
